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Week 4 - Practical Task (Oct 24-30, 2011)

This week you will modify, enhance or create a lesson plan or project that you will teach during Week 5 of this course. The goal of this task is to incorporate what you have learned about deeper learning and social media into your teaching practice. We dare you to be creative, to try something new and to take risks. We will all learn from each others’ successes and failures.

Here’s another example of what we are talking about. 

Check out Samuel Reed's Unit called MySpace and Democracy on Curriki. 

Need more inspiration? Check out this vibrant community of educators, Classroom 2.0 - it’s all about social media tools in education.  

Here’s the criteria we discussed from Week 2 for your review. Think about... 

1) To what extent does my lesson promote...?

  1. core content knowledge
  2. critical thinking
  3. complex problem solving
  4. working in collaboration
  5. effective communication
  6. learning how to learn
  7. global perspective


2) How will I effectively incorporate web 2.0 / social media tools into this lesson or project? Which of Jenkin’s “New Media Literacy Skills” are being used?  (If you need a refresher on these skills click here.)

  1. Play
  2. Performance
  3. Simulation
  4. Appropriation
  5. Distributed Cognition
  6. Collective Intelligence
  7. Judgment
  8. Transmedia Navigation
  9. Networking

Task Discussion

  • Harry B   Oct. 30, 2011, 5:07 p.m.

    Core Content Knowledge - is definitely at play with the basis of what the library represents being represented in the videos and purpose we have story boarded out.  In brief, to reach the student and give them a wide array oif informaton that allows access to the fullest resurvces we have available to the student will be met.

    Critical Thinking:  Students are put into the role of student, as well as educator now!  This will require them to meet an audience of faculty and students, so considering this is the final message is quite important!

    Complex Problem Solving:  There will be slight complex problem solving in how from storyboardng, to video, to having students practice the skills demonstrated, - making sure all parts of the process are following and beneficial from beginning to the end.

    Working in collaboration:  The student aides will need to collaborate once it is time for filming, multiple roles will need to opeprate to have this be a success.  I think it might be beneficial to have cadets share their progress as they go through the production process.

    Effective communicaton: So far we see each other, but we will need to use the basic email outside of school to prepare for upcoming parts.  I saw the mention of Evernote, and I have no idea what that is, so I am eager to see if we can get a program like or another service that will allow us to casually share things we have done other than the familair blogs and facebook.

    Learning how to learn : I think the aides are given a unique perspective as an aide and a student, and now playing educator as they put this project together for other students and facutly.  They will realize later the impact of being technological oriented in getting themessage across to fellow peers and students in their classes.

    Global Perspective - Absolute - in this school located in Mexico, there are cultural, communciative, as well as learning differences among all the students.  These all provide a rich environment for creating a new product for learning to the general student body.

    New Media Literacy Skills:

    Play:  Students that are library aides have an ideal situation, they can see the unfolding of problems as they come in the library and work through projects.  The problems the students as aides experience themselves, as well see in other students, give them a checklist of items that they can address in the planned videos they plan for this storyboard/video tutorial activity.  They can experiement with the ends they need to meet based on the above items.

    Performance: I see the students able to put themselves in other's places as students vocalize the problems they have with various approaches to various educator's assignments.  I think they all can relate to various students they know in classes that have different approaches, personalities, and understandings of content material, that will help them reach these individuals with customized tailorings of the content they will bring out.

    Simulation: Real world processes are every day for a project like this, as if we do not imitate real world processes, such as finding magazines online for research, how to reference journals, properly and quickly find resources in the library, then the students will not be connected to the this is important to be less teacker/lecture like and more personable to help the students in what they need.

    Appropriation : I think I have the opportunity as a teacher to let the students work with different mediums to produce a standard project,  This will enighten the students on new technology while they are also learning how to manipulate this technolgy to best reach the audience.

    Multitasking: The environment is IDEAL for the Library aides as they can scan the students that come, and they are in the classes of these very students.  They are the best indicators of where students are having problems with specific assignments, and can address a tutorial via video and utube to address these needs and best help the students.  In this way, scanning and shifting is done well as we progress through each day (we are on block schedule) so we meet and see each other every other day.

    Distributed Cognition: I think I play an important role in this in the fact that I can choose other resources that the students might not be normally using, but in doing so, mental capacites will be stretched to make end objectives  through the various types of media aides might not come into contact with.  Ultimately, students that receive the video tutorials will ask, how was that produced?  This should peak interest!

    Collective Intelligence: I think with the aides all together in the library, during the process of this project, they can comapare notes and leave them electronicall behind for each other and have a forum for comments to help critique and refine their projects - allowing a form of technology to help with this since they are never all together during the day.  Also, a common goal can be discussed with me individually, but allows them to communicate with each other in a variety of ways.

    Judgement - I think the credibility an reliability will be best assessed when they actually get their hands in there and work with the sources, and this connects with the above trait too as they can come to a consensus on these sources they are utilizing.

    Transmedia Navigaton - I see the modalities of communicaton, media/PR, as well as written in the form of the a storyboard, so several mediums are in use here to complete a final product.

    Networking - This is a definite with the starting point of identifying how to better inform students, to the problems they have, and then incoporate these into a medum that will reach a wide audience of students that might understand some aspects of a topic but not every aspect of how the library is organized, reaching journals online, etc.

    Negotiation - I think the multiple perspectives comes into play with some students who can Speak English, Spanish, a little of both, alot fluent, etc.  Additionally, knowedge base is much different as students from Los Angeles, all their life in Mexico, Chile, Europe and many other places, so a diverse learning community is represented her, as wel as multiple perspectives to how they do research, and what is considered a norm for discovering new information.





  • tbraught   Oct. 26, 2011, 12:07 a.m.


    During the next two weeks, I am going to concentrate on two different Web2.0 assignments.  The first is for my seniors. They will create a LinkedIn account.  Our seniors are required to complete a capstone project to demonstrate the skills they have acquired over the two years.  We have some required documents for every capstone project, e.g., write a resume.  Their LinkedIn account will be used to upload their resume, get recommendations (cannot be from the school’s staff), showcase their project and their community service, etc.  They can use their account for scholarships, admission to schools, and/or start their careers.

    The second lesson will be how to use Evernote.  My network operating class will be doing some research on the purpose of active directory and to create a schema for a fictional company. 

    1) To what extent does my lesson promote...?

    1.     core content knowledge The second assignment will demonstrate their research skills from an earlier assignment about searching the Internet effectively.

    2.     critical thinking Both assignments will demonstrate their critical thinking skills by their projects.

    3.     complex problem solving To plan effectively their schema, the students will need to understand how AD integrates into their fictional company. 

    4.     working in collaboration The students will be working as a team when they develop their schema.  Each group will have one note that they will share with each other.

    5.     effective communication 1. Evernote is shared as well as their Google docs when they work together on their assignment.  The LinkedIn account will communicate their skills they have obtained over the past couple of years.

    6.     learning how to learn One of the items that is constantly stressed by me to the students is that as long as you are in the IT field, you will need to keep yourself up to date.  This is one of the reasons that I do not give them all the information.

    7.     global perspective This lesson doesn’t directly apply to this.


    2) How will I effectively incorporate web 2.0 / social media tools into this lesson or project? Which of Jenkin’s “New Media Literacy Skills” are being used?


    1.     Play – The students will need to think about the different scenarios for their schema.  Is it scalable?   

    2.     Performance --

    3.     Simulation – This is a real problem for a student who will implementing AD in a business and for someone showcasing their work.

    4.     Appropriation – The students will be using the web which will include both text, video, and animation for their research.

    5.     Distributed Cognition – They will need to transfer their research to notes to product.  For the first assignment they will need to demonstrate what they have accomplished.

    6.     Collective Intelligence – their groups will be using each other’s notes to build an efficient schema.

    7.     Judgment – This is part of their research as I will not only require they look at MS website, but also other MSVIP.

    8.     Transmedia Navigation --

    9.     Networking – Their LinkedIn will account will demonstrate how they can “sell” their skills.  Their schema will demonstrate how to apply their research.

  • Christopher Batchelder   Oct. 26, 2011, 11:39 a.m.
    In Reply To:   tbraught   Oct. 26, 2011, 12:07 a.m.

    I love Evernote - great idea to use it.  I have to admit though I always seem to forget about it after a while and stop using it. I suppose everyone has their favorite suite of tools that they end up using regularly.  I'm an absolute Google Docs junkie. 

    Having students use LinkedIn is great preparation for moving out of high school and into the real world.  It's a great place for them to network with groups of people who are doing things that are of interest to them.  They also get to learn about self-promotion and how important that is to getting jobs. 

  • Anna   Oct. 30, 2011, 12:25 p.m.
    In Reply To:   tbraught   Oct. 26, 2011, 12:07 a.m.

    Awesome! Let us know how the students respond the the assignment. Perhaps you could share some sample links of student content? Have you spoken much to the students about groups and networking on LinkedIn? Could be helpful for thinking laterally about finding future jobs...  Thanks for sharing!

  • Harry B   Oct. 25, 2011, 10:50 p.m.

    FYI - This helped me a bit in refreshing...



    Play — the capacity to experiment with one’s surroundings as a form of problem-solving

    Performance — the ability to adopt alternative identities for the purpose of improvisation and discovery Simulation — the ability to interpret and construct dynamic models of real-world processes

    Appropriation — the ability to meaningfully sample and remix media content

    Multitasking — the ability to scan one’s environment and shift focus as needed to salient details.

    Distributed Cognition — the ability to interact meaningfully with tools that expand mental capacities

    Collective Intelligence — the ability to pool knowledge and compare notes with others toward a common goal Judgment — the ability to evaluate the reliability and credibility of different information sources

    Transmedia Navigation — the ability to follow the flow of stories and information across multiple modalities Networking — the ability to search for, synthesize, and disseminate information

    Negotiation — the ability to travel across diverse communities, discerning and respecting multiple perspectives, and grasping and following alternative norms.

  • Christopher Batchelder   Oct. 26, 2011, 11:35 a.m.
    In Reply To:   Harry B   Oct. 25, 2011, 10:50 p.m.

    I love that list. It always inspires me to think about different ways of using technology.  I think that the categories we finalized as a class for Deeper Learning do get at a lot of these skills, so I'm excited for putting together the kit project.