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Tools, platforms, systems, programs, and projects!

This page outlines Free/Open Source tools for math exploration, visualization, learning, and communication.

  • Geogebra is a free mathematics tool for learning and teaching
  • The KDE Education Project provides several tools for mathematics study and visualization.
  • LyX combines the power and flexibility of TeX/LaTeX with the ease of use of a graphical interface. This results in world-class support for creation of mathematical content (via a fully integrated equation editor) and structured documents like academic articles,
  • PlanetMath is a virtual community which aims to help make mathematical knowledge more accessible. PlanetMath's content is created collaboratively: the main feature is the mathematics encyclopedia with entries written and reviewed by members.
  • SAGE is a free open-source mathematics software system licensed under the GPL. It combines the power of many existing open-source packages into a common Python-based interface.
  • XaoS is an interactive fractal zoomer. It allows the user to continuously zoom in or out of a fractal in a fluid, continuous motion. This capability makes XaoS great for exploring fractals, and it’s fun!

Task Discussion

  • Selbst   May 22, 2011, 4:47 p.m.

    I have a pen tablet I use for my own handwriting recognition projects and it seems like the easiest way to communicate math on the computer. 

    I couldn't imagine drawing math with a mouse, so if others don't have that resource I can see where software might be useful, but for me personally it seems handwriting is just the fastest way to go, and it doesn't require any learning of formatting and advanced notation.

  • Anonym   May 13, 2011, 10:13 a.m.

    MathCast works with word processors such as MS Word and Writer, output to picture files, including: BMP, PNG, and EMF.

    MathCast supports exporting equations to MathML Presentation 2.0, a leading format for describing mathematics. MathML is based on XML, the web's most extensible language.

    MathCast includes a powerful capability called Mathcasting. This feature provides a "WYSIWYG" tool for authoring XHTML web pages with mathematical equations.

    MathCast can expose the equation lists as a RESTful HTTP service. Equation lists can be seen by browsers and different instances of MathCast in a network. This allows people to work together, learn, and teach.


    "MathCast is open source software; feel free to download the source.

    If you want to contribute here is a short list of things that need to be done:

    • Functions that convert between MS Equation Editor's WMF format to MathML 2.0 Presentation.

    • MathCast needs a better way to communicate with other applications such as Word, through the clipboard. Right now it uses Enhanced Metafile pictures.

    • Mozilla help: MathCast embeds Mozilla, and uses it to render MathML, as well to interface with the user. I have a few Mozilla embedding questions, including focusing of the embedded window, and optimizations. If you’re willing to answer a few questions, please contact me."