Week 2: Creative Commons in Context - March 25

Update: Google+ hangout rescheduled for next week. Facilitator is sick and has lost her voice, but here are two of her recorded webinars from the past that illuminate the history and context of CC licenses. Choose and watch the one that is most relevant to you, and post any questions you have in the forum below!

Topics for discussion at virtual meetup

  1. Discuss reactions and questions to "Creative Commons and copyright are friends."
  2. Creative Commons history and its role in education.

Your mission for the week:

(due Sunday, March 31)

Additional resources:

Suggested activities for the classroom:

  • If you flip to pp. 9, 14, and 22 of the book above, you'll see three simple and fun activities you can try with your kids to help them better understand copyright and Creative Commons.
  • If you're already well versed in copyright, you might try EFF's True or False Copy Quiz for the classroom.


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