Week 4 Google Hangout (28 August)

Our last Google hangout will take place on Wednesday, 28 August at 17:00 BST, 18:00 CEST, 9:00am PDT. Add it to your calendar here. RSVP at this pad.

Agenda for synchronous discussion

Here is the last discussion using Google Hangouts to wrap up this course. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tiN7t6GAaLU

To join a Google Hangout, you must have a Google plus account. If this isn't something that you want to do, or if you miss the discussion, you can still take part via the comment section below.

Guest speakers Helen Varley Jamieson and Kathryn from Seeds for Change will join our Google Hangout.

Bio: Helen is a writer, theatre practitioner and digital artist from New Zealand, based in Germany. She holds a Master of Arts (Research) investigating cyberformance - live performance on the internet – which she has practiced for over a decade. She is a founding member of the cyberformance troupe Avatar Body Collision, co-founder of UpStage, an open source platform for cyberformance, and co-curator of international online festivals and events. She is a board member of the open source documentation platform FLOSS Manuals, and "web queen" of the Magdalena Project, an international network of women in contemporary theatre.

Helen's website: http://www.creative-catalyst.com

Some workshops Helen has organized: http://www.wehaveasituation.net - a series of 4 cyberformances (online performances) that were each created in a 4-day workshop with local participants.

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You will need a microphone on your computer that works and optionally a webcam. It's a bit like a conference call on Skype. Try to test it out if you can beforehand. Here's a link to some help troubleshooting - https://support.google.com/hangouts/?hl=en#topic=2944848

Setting the Agenda

  • Helen will talk about her experience running both offline and online workshops. She will also talk generally about collaborating online to organize and prepare workshops that are run in face-to-face settings. She will address the differences and similarities between online and offline workshops, pointing to the strengths and weaknesses of both.
  • What do we want to discuss today?
  • Is anything missing from the Agenda?


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