6. Final project--a story of openness

We would like to invite you to submit a final project for the course in the form of a story of openness, such as those on Alan Levine's site (mentioned in section 3 of the course): http://stories.cogdogblog.com/

If you complete this project, you can earn the second badge for the course, called "Why Open? Open Story (final project)" (see link at left).

We'd like you to try to finish your project by midnight on Sept. 8, 2013, Pacific time in N. America. However, if you can't complete it by then but still want to submit it for a badge, you can do so.

There will be a synchronous Google Hangout this week, Thursday, Sept. 5 at noon Pacific Daylight time (N. America), 19:00 UTC, 21:00 CEST, 22:00 East Africa time, 7:00 Friday Sept. 6 in New Zealand. Here is the link to the recording of the hangout, which was about potential problems with openness: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPNThvjyoqU

A number of us decided we'd like one more Twitter chat this week, talking about possible issues/problems with openness. It will be Thursday, Sept. 5, 14:00 Pacific Daylight time, 21:00 UTC, 00:00 East Africa Time, 9:00 (Fri Sept. 6) New Zealand time. Here is the Storify record of this chat: http://storify.com/clhendricksbc/why-open-tweet-chat-on-sept-5-2013

At our first Google Hangout session, we decided to create a couple of collaborative documents. Please contribute to them if you'd like!

Final project instructions

You can either tell your own story of openness, or interview someone else. It could be a story of how openness has been helpful/valuable in some way, and/or how someone has run into barriers from things being closed, or some issue you or someone else have or might run into with being open, or something else related to this course.

We are asking you to do a video or audio recording, so we could see and/or hear each other! Much of our work so far in the course has been through text, so this time we'd like to use another medium. Your recording should probably be no more than about 5 minutes long, whether video or audio.

Then, provide an open license for your project, and upload it to one of the sites suggested here: http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Publish

Finally, it would be great if you could post your project on your blog, by either embedding it in a post or providing a link to it in a post (instructions linked below, if you don't know how to do this!).

We will have our last synchronous session on Google Hangouts the first week of September (date/time to be determined by a poll of participants) to discuss these projects, questions you have, issues you are running into or have run into, what you learned, etc.

Then, when we're all finished we'll remind you to check the blog hub so you can watch/hear others' stories!

Help with recording and editing video and audio, and with posting your final project to your blog: If you are new to these things and would like some help, here is a document with numerous resources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QFCkKAdyb0Qg3xCaGSH9luw1jeQVVvP-vy_47G3MW9E/edit?usp=sharing


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