Week 7: Share your resource about CC (14 April)

Before posting to the Google Group, share your collaborative resource about CC with your students.

For discussion in the Google Group

  1. How did your resource go over with your students? Share your students' reactions with each other.
  2. Based on your students' reactions, what could be improved about your resource?
  3. How was remotely collaborating to develop a resource together? What issues did you run into?

Your final task:

(due Sunday, 20 April)

  • Test your resource with more students, colleagues, or friends. Do they now have a better understanding of Creative Commons?
  • Share final reflections on your blog* or the cc4k12 blog, either about the course as a whole or about your students' reactions.
  • Optional: Continue your contribution to an international research project; take the closing survey to give feedback on your learning experience and help us improve the course: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/SOO_CCK12_Feb14
  • Optional: Apply for the 'Course Completion' badge below.

*Remember to post a link to your blog post below if you are using your own blog.

Apply for this badge by submitting a link to your final group project and reflection.


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