Creative Presentation Badge

Learners create multiple representations such as text, diagrams, media, sketches, physical forms to record and express ideas in creative ways.


You need at least 1 peer to say that you create multiple representations such as text, diagrams, media, sketches, physical forms to record and express ideas in creative ways.

Other badges you can apply for:

Peers that have received this badge:

Sean Suggs Laura Hilliger Vamp Ken Doman Corbin Tarrant Dave Joe Patchy Jonas Backelin Vita botheredbybees Joshua S. Williams Norma Smythe jamesweaver Malmater WebDevRobert Seun Sanni KickKan Srdjan Maravic Christopher Crawford Mandred Julian Hoffbauer Jose Maravillas firewire2879

This badge can be earned at these Challenges:

#4 Html Hunting In The World Around You Challenge #5 Your Domain Challenge

Peers that are applying for this badge:

146 Awarded, 23 Pending